Regiments Komandeur Gustav Menzel + Ida von der Osten

Children  ‎(4 children)‎
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Leutnant Johannes Menzel ‎(I2736)‎
Birth 1882 41 31
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Auguste Ulrike Herta Katharine Menzel ‎(I261)‎
Birth 5 July 1883 42 32 -- Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany
Death 15 August 1932 ‎(Age 49)‎ -- Bad Schwartau bei Lübeck, Germany
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Major A. D. Walter Ulrich Felix Erich Menzel ‎(I1822)‎
Birth 26 September 1884 44 34 -- Neuruppin, Potsdam, Germany
Death 6 April 1923 ‎(Age 38)‎ -- Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Parents Grandparents
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Regiments Komandeur Gustav Menzel ‎(I268)‎
Birth 5 September 1840 -- Rudolstadt in Thüringen ‎(Germany)‎
Death 15 November 1900 ‎(Age 60)‎

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Ida von der Osten ‎(I269)‎
Birth 28 July 1850 -- Wartenberg, Baden ‎(Germany)‎
Death August 1924 ‎(Age 74)‎

Family Group Information   (F96)
Globally unique Identifier 07A53D517378F94CBA41219423CACB9F71E0