Hieronymus Gottlieb Hetzer + ‎(unknown)‎ Hemm

Children  ‎(3 children)‎
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Christiana Sophia Hetzer ‎(I2164)‎
Birth 1722 35 59
Death 1743 ‎(Age 21)‎
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Hofrat u. Doktor Johann Hieronymus Hetzer ‎(I2165)‎
Birth 1723 36 60
Death 1788 ‎(Age 65)‎
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Christiana Regina Hetzer ‎(I2166)‎
Birth 26 March 1724 37 61
Death 21 December 1780 ‎(Age 56)‎

Parents Grandparents
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Hieronymus Gottlieb Hetzer ‎(I2161)‎
Birth 1687 35
Death 1724 ‎(Age 37)‎
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Johann Hieronymus Hetzer ‎(I2137)‎
Birth 1652 51
Death 1732 ‎(Age 80)‎

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‎(unknown)‎ Hemm ‎(I2163)‎
Birth 1663
Death 1724 ‎(Age 61)‎

Family Group Information   (F780)
Globally unique Identifier 9DA4472961ECE245B2288C46672C5710CB80