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  1. Prediger Christian Friedrich Pantaenius 1725-1789 (Age 64)  Marriage Caroline Margarethe Lucie von Duven 1745-1773 (Age 28)
      Prediger Christian Friedrich Pantaenius 1725-1789 (Age 64)  Marriage1774 Agnetha Marie Wilhelmine von Duven
      1. Wilhelmine Agnetha Lucia Christina Pantaenius 1775-1776 (Age 5 months)
      2. Johanna Agnetha Pantaenius 1777-1777 (Age 0 days)
      3. Ilsabeth Lehna Johanna Pantaenius 1778-1813 (Age 34)
      4. Wilhelm Johann Adolph Pantaenius 1780-1781 (Age 11 months)
      5. Pastor Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Pantaenius 1781-1843 (Age 61)  Marriage1812 Julie Anna Johanna Schleiermacher 1793-1870 (Age 76)
        1. Carl Pantaenius 1813-1814 (Age 15 months)
        2. Eduard Heinrich Wilhelm Conrad Pantaenius 1814-1816 (Age 22 months)
        3. Oekonom Conrad Carl Pantaenius 1815-1838 (Age 22)
        4. Juliane Amalie Charlotte Pantaenius 1817-1898 (Age 81)
        5. Sophie Lisette Cathinka Pantaenius 1818-1819 (Age 17 months)
        6. Louise Christiane Pantaenius 1819-1889 (Age 69)  Marriage Förster in London Förster Schlobohm
          1. Friedrich Christian Heinrich Pantaenius 1821-1876 (Age 55)  Marriage1851 Eleanor Brame 1830-1894 (Age 63)
            1. Eleanor Pantaenius 1852-1874 (Age 21)
            2. Phillipena Catharina Pantaenius 1854-1904 (Age 49)
            3. Maler Frederick Pantaenius 1856-  Marriage1878 Jessie Agnes Wastall 1860-
              1. Photograf Henry Pantaenius 1858-  Marriage1893 Mary Arnold 1866-
                1. Victoria Amelia Pantaenius 1861-
              2. August Heinrich Nicolaus Pantaenius 1822-1823 (Age 17 months)
              3. Kaufmann Carl Heinrich Wilhelm Pantaenius 1826-1881 (Age 54)  Marriage1851 Conradine Hermine Auguste Schrader 1831-1886 (Age 54)
                1. Toni Julie Marie Louise "Loni" Pantaenius 1852-1915 (Age 63)  Marriage1872 Kaufmann Heinrich Andreas Ludwig Röpke 1842-1922 (Age 80)
                2. Alma Elise Julchen "Juki" Pantaenius 1854-1905 (Age 51)  Marriage1875 Grosskaufmann Paul Alfred Wilhelm Klembt 1844-1906 (Age 62)
                3. Versicherungsagent Paul Pantaenius 1856-1932 (Age 75)  Marriage1901 Emma Kurz 1867-1930 (Age 62)
                4. Kaufmann Carl Hermann Bernhard Christoph Pantaenius 1855-1930 (Age 74)  Marriage1888 Alma Therese Süssmann 1867-
                  1. Kaufmann John Oscar Hermann Pantaenius 1857-1930 (Age 72)  Marriage1885 Auguste Blum 1856-1943 (Age 87)
                    1. Direktor Walther Paul Georg Pantaenius 1886-1947 (Age 60)  Marriage Lehrerin Elisabeth Rotter 1893-1969 (Age 76)
                    2. Kaufmann Curt Barthold John Pantaenius 1889-1966 (Age 77)  Marriage Anna Wanner 1898-1980 (Age 81)
                    3. Herbert Carl Oscar Pantaenius 1890-1890 (Age 30 days)
                    4. Kaufmann Edgar Heinrich August Pantaenius 1891-1972 (Age 80)
                  2. Gesanglehrerin Ellen Laura Julia Pantaenius 1861-1936 (Age 74)  Marriage1883 Kaufmann Hermann Heinrich Nagel 1855-1910 (Age 55)
                  3. Kaufmann Max Julius Pantaenius 1864-  Marriage1892 Anna Ida Nagel 1871-1913 (Age 41)
                    1. Carl Bernhard Paul Pantaenius 1893-1963 (Age 69)
                    2. Helmuth Heinrich Herrmann Pantaenius 1895-1969 (Age 74)  Marriage Margarethe Hoffmann
                      1. Kaufmann Max Gerhard Robert Pantaenius 1905-1977 (Age 71)  Marriage Charlotte "Lotte" Uszczek 1901-1971 (Age 70)
                    3. Kaufmann Johannes Christian "Johann" Pantaenius 1866-1918 (Age 52)  Marriage Emilie Christiane Dorette Marie Rebesky 1881-
                      1. Carla Hannchen Pantaenius 1903-
                      2. Hans Pantaenius 1904-1932 (Age 27)
                      3. Johannes Christian Pantaenius 1906-1934 (Age 28)
                      4. ...
                    4. Martha Kathi Pantaenius 1870-1873 (Age 2)
                    5. Curt Pantaenius 1874-1881 (Age 6)
                5. Elisabeth Carolina Friederica Pantaenius 1783-1866 (Age 83)
                6. Zigarrenfabrikant Carl Joachim Pantaenius 1785-1844 (Age 59)  Marriage1815 Margarethe Elisabeth Johanna Kuhberg 1789-1862 (Age 73)
                  1. Johann Pantaenius 1816-1817 (Age 13 months)
                  2. Katinka Magda Dorothea Pantaenius 1818-1894 (Age 76)  Marriage1843 Kaufmann Arnold Adolf Haaker
                    1. Therese Julie Wilhelmine Pantaenius 1820-1893 (Age 72)
                    2. Carl Pantaenius 1823-1899 (Age 76)  Marriage1854 Dorothea Charlotte Richelmann 1833-1898 (Age 64)
                      1. Kaufmann Carl Johann Pantaenius 1855-1884 (Age 29)
                      2. Heloise Wilhelmine Cathinka Pantaenius 1856-
                      3. Pauline Heloise Pantaenius 1859-1868 (Age 9)
                      4. Kaufmann Adolf Johann Heinrich Pantaenius 1861-
                      5. Bertha Catharina Johanna Pantaenius 1863-  Marriage Kaufmann Arthur Einighorst
                        1. Charlotte Marie Luise Pantaenius 1868-
                      6. Emma Pantaenius 1826-1827 (Age 19 months)
                      7. Etappenmajor Heinrich Adolph Pantaenius 1827-1874 (Age 47)  Marriage1861 Marie Elisabeth Reiffenberg 1833-1921 (Age 87)
                        1. Unbenannt Pantaenius 1862-1862 (Age 54 days)
                        2. Major Maximilian Carl Pantaenius 1864-1926 (Age 61)  Marriage1905 Auguste Ulrike Herta Katharine Menzel 1883-1932 (Age 49)
                          1. Landwirt Gerd Gustav Felix Pantaenius 1906-1981 (Age 75)  Marriage1949 Fotomeisterin Hildegard Hedwig Helene "Hilla" Krüger 1920-2013 (Age 93)
                            1. Agrónomo Micael Kurt "Michel" Pantaenius 1955-1976 (Age 21)
                            2. ...
                          2. Heinz Pantaenius 1908-1945 (Age 36)
                          3. Ingeborg Marie Ida Margarete Pantaenius 1913-1972 (Age 58)  Marriage1933 Kaufmann Kurt Emil Theodor Höhne 1906-1949 (Age 43)
                            Major Maximilian Carl Pantaenius 1864-1926 (Age 61)  Marriage Martha Ilse Hahn 1879-1900 (Age 21)
                            1. Landwirt Kurt Adolph Georg Pantaenius 1900-1960 (Age 60)  Marriage1942 Marie Elisabeth "Ibeth Arnold 1901-1981 (Age 80)
                            2. Anna Margarethe Pantaenius 1866-1935 (Age 68)  Marriage1895 Domänenpächter Carl Friedrich Albert Peters 1858-1917 (Age 58)
                            3. Stabsarzt Otto Paul "Pam" Pantaenius 1869-1922 (Age 52)  Marriage1907 Minna Caroline Christensen 1870-1948 (Age 78)
                              1. Anneliese Pantaenius 1909-2013 (Age 103)  Marriage1930 Pfarrer Johannes Rabe 1903-1971 (Age 67)
                                1. Marie "Marichen" Pantaenius 1911-2002 (Age 91)
                            4. Elise Amalie Magdalene Pantaenius 1819-1894 (Age 75)  Marriage1843 Kaufmann Karl Johann Boy
                            5. Amalia Margaretha Pantaenius 1787-1862 (Age 74)
                          4. .........
                          5. Eva-Maria Pantaenius 1944-1994 (Age 49)
                          6. ........................
                          7. Pfarrer Martin Pantaenius 1654-1733 (Age 78)  Marriage1687 Anna Maria 1664-1705 (Age 41)
                            1. Theologie student Martin Bogislav Pantaenius 1688-1709 (Age 21)
                            2. Friedrich Ernst Pantaenius 1689-1701 (Age 12)
                            3. Pfarrer Johann Christian Panthenius 1690-1744 (Age 53)  Marriage Barbara Elizabeth Mischius
                              1. Sophie Charlotte Panthenius  Marriage1731 Schlossprediger ‎(unknown)‎ Grolog
                                1. Catharina Louise Panthenius  Marriage1743 Pastor Balthasar Heinrich Westphal
                                  1. Pastor Johann Gottfried Pantenius 1718-1788 (Age 69)  Marriage1742 Christliebe Schlutius 1715-1781 (Age 66)
                                    1. Anna Catharina Pantenius 1744-  Marriage1780 Kaufmann Johann Engel
                                      1. Maria Elisabeth Pantenius 1746-1815 (Age 69)  Marriage1766 Kaufmann Friedrich Gottlieb Keyling
                                        1. Christiane Louise Pantenius 1748-  Marriage1784 Pastor Johann Christian Klütz
                                        2. Johann Pantenius 1749-1751 (Age 20 months)
                                        3. Wilhelmine Charlotte Pantenius 1752-1827 (Age 75)
                                        4. Hanna Juliane Pantenius 1754-1763 (Age 8)
                                        5. Pastor Johann Gottfried Immanuel "Emanuel" Panthenius 1759-1820 (Age 60)  Marriage1788 Sophie Elisabeth Wetzel 1763-1828 (Age 65)
                                          1. Capitain Johann Gottfried Wilhelm Panthenius 1781-
                                            1. Johannes Panthenius
                                          2. Charlotte Albertine Panthenius
                                          3. Johanna Wilhelmine Panthenius  Marriage1810 Pastor Johann Christoph Proschel zu Waldow
                                        6. Prediger Christian Friedrich Pantaenius 1725-1789 (Age 64)  Marriage Caroline Margarethe Lucie von Duven 1745-1773 (Age 28)
                                            Prediger Christian Friedrich Pantaenius 1725-1789 (Age 64)  Marriage1774 Agnetha Marie Wilhelmine von Duven
                                            1. Wilhelmine Agnetha Lucia Christina Pantaenius 1775-1776 (Age 5 months)
                                            2. Johanna Agnetha Pantaenius 1777-1777 (Age 0 days)
                                            3. Ilsabeth Lehna Johanna Pantaenius 1778-1813 (Age 34)
                                            4. Wilhelm Johann Adolph Pantaenius 1780-1781 (Age 11 months)
                                            5. Pastor Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Pantaenius 1781-1843 (Age 61)  Marriage1812 Julie Anna Johanna Schleiermacher 1793-1870 (Age 76)
                                              1. Carl Pantaenius 1813-1814 (Age 15 months)
                                              2. Eduard Heinrich Wilhelm Conrad Pantaenius 1814-1816 (Age 22 months)
                                              3. Oekonom Conrad Carl Pantaenius 1815-1838 (Age 22)
                                              4. Juliane Amalie Charlotte Pantaenius 1817-1898 (Age 81)
                                              5. Sophie Lisette Cathinka Pantaenius 1818-1819 (Age 17 months)
                                              6. Louise Christiane Pantaenius 1819-1889 (Age 69)  Marriage Förster in London Förster Schlobohm
                                                1. Friedrich Christian Heinrich Pantaenius 1821-1876 (Age 55)  Marriage1851 Eleanor Brame 1830-1894 (Age 63)
                                                  1. Eleanor Pantaenius 1852-1874 (Age 21)
                                                  2. Phillipena Catharina Pantaenius 1854-1904 (Age 49)
                                                  3. Maler Frederick Pantaenius 1856-  Marriage1878 Jessie Agnes Wastall 1860-
                                                    1. Photograf Henry Pantaenius 1858-  Marriage1893 Mary Arnold 1866-
                                                      1. Victoria Amelia Pantaenius 1861-
                                                    2. August Heinrich Nicolaus Pantaenius 1822-1823 (Age 17 months)
                                                    3. Kaufmann Carl Heinrich Wilhelm Pantaenius 1826-1881 (Age 54)  Marriage1851 Conradine Hermine Auguste Schrader 1831-1886 (Age 54)
                                                      1. Toni Julie Marie Louise "Loni" Pantaenius 1852-1915 (Age 63)  Marriage1872 Kaufmann Heinrich Andreas Ludwig Röpke 1842-1922 (Age 80)
                                                      2. Alma Elise Julchen "Juki" Pantaenius 1854-1905 (Age 51)  Marriage1875 Grosskaufmann Paul Alfred Wilhelm Klembt 1844-1906 (Age 62)
                                                      3. Versicherungsagent Paul Pantaenius 1856-1932 (Age 75)  Marriage1901 Emma Kurz 1867-1930 (Age 62)
                                                      4. Kaufmann Carl Hermann Bernhard Christoph Pantaenius 1855-1930 (Age 74)  Marriage1888 Alma Therese Süssmann 1867-
                                                        1. Kaufmann John Oscar Hermann Pantaenius 1857-1930 (Age 72)  Marriage1885 Auguste Blum 1856-1943 (Age 87)
                                                          1. Direktor Walther Paul Georg Pantaenius 1886-1947 (Age 60)  Marriage Lehrerin Elisabeth Rotter 1893-1969 (Age 76)
                                                          2. Kaufmann Curt Barthold John Pantaenius 1889-1966 (Age 77)  Marriage Anna Wanner 1898-1980 (Age 81)
                                                          3. Herbert Carl Oscar Pantaenius 1890-1890 (Age 30 days)
                                                          4. Kaufmann Edgar Heinrich August Pantaenius 1891-1972 (Age 80)
                                                        2. Gesanglehrerin Ellen Laura Julia Pantaenius 1861-1936 (Age 74)  Marriage1883 Kaufmann Hermann Heinrich Nagel 1855-1910 (Age 55)
                                                        3. Kaufmann Max Julius Pantaenius 1864-  Marriage1892 Anna Ida Nagel 1871-1913 (Age 41)
                                                          1. Carl Bernhard Paul Pantaenius 1893-1963 (Age 69)
                                                          2. Helmuth Heinrich Herrmann Pantaenius 1895-1969 (Age 74)  Marriage Margarethe Hoffmann
                                                            1. Kaufmann Max Gerhard Robert Pantaenius 1905-1977 (Age 71)  Marriage Charlotte "Lotte" Uszczek 1901-1971 (Age 70)
                                                          3. Kaufmann Johannes Christian "Johann" Pantaenius 1866-1918 (Age 52)  Marriage Emilie Christiane Dorette Marie Rebesky 1881-
                                                            1. Carla Hannchen Pantaenius 1903-
                                                            2. Hans Pantaenius 1904-1932 (Age 27)
                                                            3. Johannes Christian Pantaenius 1906-1934 (Age 28)
                                                            4. ...
                                                          4. Martha Kathi Pantaenius 1870-1873 (Age 2)
                                                          5. Curt Pantaenius 1874-1881 (Age 6)
                                                      5. Elisabeth Carolina Friederica Pantaenius 1783-1866 (Age 83)
                                                      6. Zigarrenfabrikant Carl Joachim Pantaenius 1785-1844 (Age 59)  Marriage1815 Margarethe Elisabeth Johanna Kuhberg 1789-1862 (Age 73)
                                                        1. Johann Pantaenius 1816-1817 (Age 13 months)
                                                        2. Katinka Magda Dorothea Pantaenius 1818-1894 (Age 76)  Marriage1843 Kaufmann Arnold Adolf Haaker
                                                          1. Therese Julie Wilhelmine Pantaenius 1820-1893 (Age 72)
                                                          2. Carl Pantaenius 1823-1899 (Age 76)  Marriage1854 Dorothea Charlotte Richelmann 1833-1898 (Age 64)
                                                            1. Kaufmann Carl Johann Pantaenius 1855-1884 (Age 29)
                                                            2. Heloise Wilhelmine Cathinka Pantaenius 1856-
                                                            3. Pauline Heloise Pantaenius 1859-1868 (Age 9)
                                                            4. Kaufmann Adolf Johann Heinrich Pantaenius 1861-
                                                            5. Bertha Catharina Johanna Pantaenius 1863-  Marriage Kaufmann Arthur Einighorst
                                                              1. Charlotte Marie Luise Pantaenius 1868-
                                                            6. Emma Pantaenius 1826-1827 (Age 19 months)
                                                            7. Etappenmajor Heinrich Adolph Pantaenius 1827-1874 (Age 47)  Marriage1861 Marie Elisabeth Reiffenberg 1833-1921 (Age 87)
                                                              1. Unbenannt Pantaenius 1862-1862 (Age 54 days)
                                                              2. Major Maximilian Carl Pantaenius 1864-1926 (Age 61)  Marriage1905 Auguste Ulrike Herta Katharine Menzel 1883-1932 (Age 49)
                                                                1. Landwirt Gerd Gustav Felix Pantaenius 1906-1981 (Age 75)  Marriage1949 Fotomeisterin Hildegard Hedwig Helene "Hilla" Krüger 1920-2013 (Age 93)
                                                                  1. Agrónomo Micael Kurt "Michel" Pantaenius 1955-1976 (Age 21)
                                                                  2. ...
                                                                2. Heinz Pantaenius 1908-1945 (Age 36)
                                                                3. Ingeborg Marie Ida Margarete Pantaenius 1913-1972 (Age 58)  Marriage1933 Kaufmann Kurt Emil Theodor Höhne 1906-1949 (Age 43)
                                                                  Major Maximilian Carl Pantaenius 1864-1926 (Age 61)  Marriage Martha Ilse Hahn 1879-1900 (Age 21)
                                                                  1. Landwirt Kurt Adolph Georg Pantaenius 1900-1960 (Age 60)  Marriage1942 Marie Elisabeth "Ibeth Arnold 1901-1981 (Age 80)
                                                                  2. Anna Margarethe Pantaenius 1866-1935 (Age 68)  Marriage1895 Domänenpächter Carl Friedrich Albert Peters 1858-1917 (Age 58)
                                                                  3. Stabsarzt Otto Paul "Pam" Pantaenius 1869-1922 (Age 52)  Marriage1907 Minna Caroline Christensen 1870-1948 (Age 78)
                                                                    1. Anneliese Pantaenius 1909-2013 (Age 103)  Marriage1930 Pfarrer Johannes Rabe 1903-1971 (Age 67)
                                                                      1. Marie "Marichen" Pantaenius 1911-2002 (Age 91)
                                                                  4. Elise Amalie Magdalene Pantaenius 1819-1894 (Age 75)  Marriage1843 Kaufmann Karl Johann Boy
                                                                  5. Amalia Margaretha Pantaenius 1787-1862 (Age 74)
                                                                4. Jurist Christian Pantenius 1731-1807 (Age 76)  Marriage Caroline Siewers 1755-1830 (Age 75)
                                                                  1. Friedrich George Pantenius 1775-1775 (Age 4 months)
                                                                  2. Christian Friedrich Pantenius 1776-1777 (Age 5 months)
                                                                  3. Christian Friedrich Pantenius 1778-1809 (Age 30)
                                                                  4. Johann Georg Pantenius 1779-
                                                                  5. Henriette Louise Pantenius 1780-
                                                                  6. Sophia Elisabeth Christiane Pantenius 1782-
                                                                  7. Sophia Gertruta Charlotte Pantenius 1784-
                                                                  8. Christoph Wilhelm Pantenius 1785-
                                                                  Jurist Christian Pantenius 1731-1807 (Age 76)  Marriage1766 Luise Eleonore Groschke 1748-1771 (Age 22)
                                                                  1. Pastor Johann Christian "Jeannot" Pantenius 1766-1826 (Age 59)  Marriage1796 Agnese Dorothea Conradi 1767-1848 (Age 81)
                                                                    1. Dorothea Auguste Elisabeth Pantenius 1797-1876 (Age 79)  Marriage1815 Pastor Friedrich Peter Christian Bernewitz 1784-1854 (Age 69)
                                                                      1. Caroline Pantenius 1799-1799 (Age 16 days)
                                                                      2. Charlotte Julianne Pantenius 1800-1800 (Age 13 days)
                                                                      3. Louise Pantenius 1802-1826 (Age 23)
                                                                      4. Advokat Christian Wilhelm Alexander Pantenius 1804-1869 (Age 65)  Marriage1831 Johanna Constantia "Jenny" Kupffer 1808-1875 (Age 67)
                                                                        1. Elisabeth Pantenius 1834-1854 (Age 20)
                                                                        2. Paul Pantenius 1835-1856 (Age 20)
                                                                        3. Louise Charlotte Pantenius 1836-1914 (Age 77)
                                                                        4. Offizier Otto Friedrich Pantenius 1838-1868 (Age 29)
                                                                        5. Jeannot Pantenius 1844-1853 (Age 9)
                                                                        6. Gustav Pantenius 1848-1902 (Age 53)
                                                                      5. Pastor Wilhelm Christian Pantenius 1806-1849 (Age 43)  Marriage1835 Louise Conradi 1807-1886 (Age 79)
                                                                        1. Pastor Wilhelm Eduard Pantenius 1835-1836 (Age 4 days)
                                                                        2. Auguste Pantenius 1836-1837 (Age 40 days)
                                                                        3. Schriftstellerin Natalie Agnes Pantenius 1839-1915 (Age 76)  Marriage1862 Gutsbesitzer Johann Hermann Julius von Denffer 1838-1918 (Age 80)
                                                                        4. Johanna Pantenius 1840-1840 (Age 37 days)
                                                                        5. Lehrerin Johanna Pantenius 1841-1924 (Age 83)  Marriage1860 Pastor Peter Martin Alexander Bernewitz 1828-1893 (Age 65)
                                                                        6. Mathilde Auguste Pantenius 1842-1842 (Age 37 days)
                                                                        7. Pastor Theodor Hermann Pantenius 1843-1915 (Age 72)  Marriage1874 Louise Ottilie Marie Schniedewind 1850-1921 (Age 70)
                                                                        8. Moritz Luis Pantenius 1845-1845 (Age 27 days)
                                                                      6. Johann Gottlieb Pantenius 1808-1826 (Age 17)
                                                                      7. Dr. med. Carl Adam Pantenius 1811-1877 (Age 66)  Marriage1851 Anna Luise Ernestine Berg 1823-1890 (Age 67)
                                                                        1. Marie Ernestine Sophie Pantenius 1852-1926 (Age 73)  Marriage1875 Apotheker Adolph Emil Andress 1839-1901 (Age 62)
                                                                        2. Carl Friedrich Pantenius 1853-1868 (Age 14)
                                                                        3. Sophie Marie Eugenie Pantenius 1856-1942 (Age 85)  Marriage1886 Forstmeister Alexander von Rühl 1853-1927 (Age 73)
                                                                        4. Friedrich Carl Pantenius 1858-1928 (Age 70)  Marriage1887 Magda von Krause 1864-1945 (Age 80)
                                                                          1. Elsa Olga Pantenius 1887-1975 (Age 88)  Marriage1912 Eduard Heyer
                                                                          2. Magda Lilli "Lolja" Pantenius 1889-
                                                                            1. Sophie Alice "Sonja" Pantenius 1893-
                                                                            2. Krankenschwester Irene Pantenius 1907-1956 (Age 48)
                                                                          3. Hermann Wilhelm Pantenius 1860-1869 (Age 9)
                                                                          4. Oberförster Alfons Alexander Pantenius 1862-1917 (Age 54)
                                                                          5. Rechtsanwalt Bruno Johann Pantenius 1863-1905 (Age 42)  Marriage1888 Eugenie Koch 1867-1945 (Age 77)
                                                                            1. Margarethe Luise Juliane Hermine Pantenius 1890-1899 (Age 8)
                                                                            2. Bruno Karl Hermann Pantenius 1891-1919 (Age 27)
                                                                            3. Oda Marie Eugenie Pantenius 1892-
                                                                            4. Vita Pantenius 1893-1898 (Age 4)
                                                                          6. Staatsrat u. Ritter Heinrich Theodor Pantenius 1865-1935 (Age 69)  Marriage Emma Lessig 1895-1924 (Age 29)
                                                                      8. Generalmajor Theodor Friedrich Sigismund "Fedor" Pantenius 1767-1854 (Age 86)
                                                                    2. Gottlieb Panthenius 1733-
                                                                  2. Andreas Peter Pantaenius 1692-1701 (Age 8)
                                                                  3. Elisabeth Sophie Pantaenius 1694-1752 (Age 57)  Marriage1720 Pfarrer Friedrich Ephraim Behmer 1695-1744 (Age 48)
                                                                    1. Anna Maria Pantaenius 1697-1701 (Age 4)
                                                                    2. Christine Hedwig Pantaenius 1698-1699 (Age 13 months)
                                                                    3. Anna Maria Pantaenius 1701-1701 (Age 3 months)
                                                                    4. Anna Regina Pantaenius 1702-1775 (Age 72)  Marriage1721 Pfarrer Johann Peter Reichow
                                                                      1. Ernst Michael Pantaenius 1705-1705 (Age 45 days)
                                                                    5. ..................

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