Geheimer Regierungsrat Karl Eilhard Wilhelm Busch + Else Luise Franziska Krüger

Children  ‎(4 children)‎
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Else Busch ‎(I2704)‎
Birth 7 March 1894 33 26 -- Dresden, Germany
Death 22 February 1898 ‎(Age 3)‎ -- Tübingen, Germany
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Gerda "Büschel" Busch ‎(I2705)‎
Birth 27 December 1895 34 28 -- Freiburg, Germany
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Fliegerhauptmann Kapitän Otto Busch ‎(I2706)‎
Birth 24 April 1899 38 31 -- Tübingen, Germany
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Hans Busch ‎(I2707)‎
Birth 25 February 1902 41 34 -- Tübingen, Germany

Parents Grandparents
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Geheimer Regierungsrat Karl Eilhard Wilhelm Busch ‎(I2703)‎
Birth 18 February 1861 35 -- Bonn, Germany
Death 23 September 1929 ‎(Age 68)‎ -- Marburg, Germany
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Carl David Wilhelm Busch ‎(I2848)‎
Birth 1826 38 -- Bonn, Germany

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Else Luise Franziska Krüger ‎(I2695)‎
Birth 21 October 1867 30 20 -- Charlottenburg, Germany
Death 15 February 1925 ‎(Age 57)‎ -- Marburg, Germany
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Prof. Dr. Gustav Krüger ‎(I808)‎
Birth 28 May 1837 44 33 -- Braunschweig, Germany
Death 17 September 1913 ‎(Age 76)‎ -- Dessau, Germany
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Lucie Scabell ‎(I2694)‎
Birth 12 June 1847 -- Berlin, Germany
Death 6 July 1917 ‎(Age 70)‎ -- Dessau, Germany

Family Group Information   (F999)
Marriage 13 April 1893 Dessau, Germany

Globally unique Identifier 41F500134412F84FAF90DDBBAFE248962C94

Stammtafel V Krüger
Publication: Per post durch Günther Krause, Dessau am 28.5.2001 an Alexis Pantaenius, Leipzig