Agrimensor y Escritor José Rafael Hernández + Anselma Serrantes Pita

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Agrimensor y Escritor José Rafael Hernández ‎(I2311)‎
Birth 10 November 1834 20 29 -- Chacra de Perdriel, San Martíon, Bs.As., Argentina
Death 21 October 1886 ‎(Age 51)‎ -- Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Rafael Pedro Pascual Hernández ‎(I2308)‎
Birth 1814 53 -- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Death 1845 ‎(Age 31)‎
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Isabel Pueyrredon ‎(I2307)‎
Birth 1805 25 -- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Death 1843 ‎(Age 38)‎ -- Buenos Aires, Argentina

Family Group Information   (F849)
Globally unique Identifier 979FD902B0DA474095FA7EA0E6F3D80D8D1D