Bürgermeister Nikolaus Hetzer + Euphemia Hadler von Plawen

Children  ‎(3 children)‎
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Magister Dekan Lucas Hetzer ‎(I2151)‎
Birth 1510 30 -- Torgau
Death 22 May 1558 ‎(Age 48)‎ -- Wittenberg
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Ratsherr Hanns Hetzer ‎(I2144)‎
Birth 1520 40
Death 1587 ‎(Age 67)‎

Parents Grandparents
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Bürgermeister Nikolaus Hetzer ‎(I2146)‎
Birth 1480 -- Torgau
Death -- Torgau

Family Group Information   (F777)
Globally unique Identifier BD312BCE8D5BB54DBAAC55F16AA7A1D302B4