Compact Chart:
Johanna Wilhelmine Panthenius

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Pfarrer Martin Pantaenius Panten
1654-1733 ‎(78)‎
Pfarrer Martin Mischius
Compact Chart: I3Compact Chart: I2737
Pfarrer Johann Christian Panthenius
1690-1744 ‎(53)‎
Compact Chart: I12 Pastor Johann Gottfried Pantenius
1718-1788 ‎(69)‎
Compact Chart: I20 Barbara Elizabeth Mischius
Johann Martin Wetzel
Compact Chart: I7Compact Chart: I25Compact Chart: I2738Compact Chart: I3074
Anna Maria Sporges
1664-1705 ‎(41)‎
Katharina Elisabeth Hille
Pastor Johann Gottfried Immanuel "Emanuel" Panthenius
1759-1820 ‎(60)‎
Compact Chart: I72 Johanna Wilhelmine Panthenius
Compact Chart: I77
Sophie Elisabeth Wetzel
1763-1828 ‎(65)‎
 Compact Chart: I28
Christliebe Schlutius
1715-1781 ‎(66)‎

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