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  1. Adolf Kammer  Marriage Luise Kammer
    1. Landwirt Georg Kammer 1901-1971 (Age 70)  Marriage1932 Dorothea Luise Helene "Dora" Krüger 1911-1989 (Age 78)
      1. Diplomlandwirt Hubertus Kammer 1934-2008 (Age 74)  Marriage1964 Gisela Herbert 1939-1982 (Age 42)
      2. ...
  2. ..................
  3. Luise Kammer  Marriage Adolf Kammer
    1. Landwirt Georg Kammer 1901-1971 (Age 70)  Marriage1932 Dorothea Luise Helene "Dora" Krüger 1911-1989 (Age 78)
      1. Diplomlandwirt Hubertus Kammer 1934-2008 (Age 74)  Marriage1964 Gisela Herbert 1939-1982 (Age 42)
      2. ...
  4. .........

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